Hopefully you've learned about decorators in Python already! This blog post will talk about what happens when you use more than one decorator on a function.

For example:

def double_decorator():
    return 'I ran.'

Decorators are most often used to extend a function, by adding something either before or after it.

What happens in a decorator internally is that it changes the function it decorates. It changes the function and converts it into a new function with the added functionality.

So if we had this:

def decorated_function():
    return 'I ran.'

The decorated_function no longer does just return 'I ran.'. Now it has turned into whatever the decorator returns. Hopefully, the decorator returns something that uses the decorated_function so that it still returns 'I ran.'!

Let's say the user_name_starts_with_j decorator does two things:

  1. It checks whether the username (whatever that might be) starts with the letter 'j'.
  2. If it does, then it calls decorated_function. Otherwise, it prints an error.

From the moment that decorated_function is defined, it has changed into a function that does the above. Now whenever we call decorated_function(), if the username does not start with 'j', we'll get an error. We don't have to use user_name_starts_with_j again.

Two decorators

When you have two decorators, the same thing applies. Let's take this code as an example:

def double_decorator():
    return 'I ran.'

First, @user_name_starts_with_j modifies the double_decorator function.

Then, @user_has_permission modifies the result of the previous modification.

double_decorator has now become the function that user_has_permission returned. It's a function that:

  1. Checks the user has correct permission.
  2. If they do, call the original function. Otherwise, print an error.

So when we call double_decorator(), the above happens first of all. If the user has correct permissions, we call the original function—which is the result of the previous transformation.

Therefore, we then check that the username starts with j. If they do, we call the original function (and return 'I ran.'). Otherwise, we print another error.

So the order of checks with two decorators has become:

  1. Check permission.
  2. Check username starts with j.
  3. Run original function.

As you can see, the decorators run in the inverse order in which they are used to decorate the function—because of the way they work internally.

A code example

Below you can play around with the example code. I've defined a few user variables with different usernames and access levels that you can try. You can also run this code in your browser to see the output!

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