Destructuring in Python

Destructuring (also called unpacking) is where we take a collection, like a list or a tuple, and we break it up into individual values. This allows us to do things like destructuring assignments, where we assign values to several variables at once from a single collection.

Today let's talk about:

Standard destructuring assignments

Python, like many programming languages, allows us to assign more than one variable at a time on a single line. We just have to provide the same number of values on both sides of the assignment. For example:

x, y = 5, 11

Here we assign the value 5 to x, and 11 to y. The values are assigned entirely based on order, so if we switch the variable order, or the order of the values we intend to assign, we will end up with different results.

How this works is fairly straightforward, but what's less obvious is that this is an example of destructuring. What if I wrote it like this?

x, y = (5, 11)

One thing that a lot of newer Python programmers in particular don't realise is that parentheses have nothing at all to do with tuples. In fact, it's the commas which tell Python something is a tuple: we just add brackets for readability in a lot of cases. In some instances the brackets are actually necessary, in order to isolate the tuple from the syntax around it, such as when we put a tuple inside a list. However, in this case the brackets are still not part of the tuple syntax. Adding brackets around a single number doesn't turn it into a tuple.

With all that in mind, we actually end up destructuring a tuple in the example above, splitting the tuple (5, 11) into its component values, so that we can bind those values to the two variable names.

We're not limited to just tuples here. We can also destructure a list, for example, or even a set. You're unlikely to want to perform a destructuring assignment with a set, however, since the order is not guaranteed, and we therefore end up with variables we don't really know the values of.

If we try to destructure a collection with more or fewer values than we provide variables, we end up with a ValueError.

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3)

Destructuring dictionaries in Python

A dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs, so when destructuring a dictionary, things can get a bit confusing!

my_dict = {"name": "Bob", "age": 25}
x, y = my_dict

Now, before you run that code, think about what the values of x and y should be!

The answer is that x = "name" and y = "age". That's because by default when we use a dictionary as an unidimensional collection (such as a list or tuple), what you get back are the keys. It's the same if you call list(my_dict), you get back ["name", "age"].

Often when we talk about "dictionary destructuring", what most people refer to is the **kwargs part of functions. If you want to learn more about that, check out Day 17 of our 30 Days of Python free course, Flexible Functions with *args and **kwargs**.

If you wanted to destructure the dictionary values only, you can do:

my_dict = {"name": "Bob", "age": 25}
x, y = my_dict.values()  # "Bob", 25

Note that destructuring dictionaries only works well in modern Python versions (3.7+), because dictionaries are ordered collections now. In older Python versions, dictionaries were unordered (so items could move around). It didn't make sense to do dictionary destructuring then.

Destructuring in for loops

A couple of months back, we wrote a snippet post on enumerate, which is a vital component in writing good, Pythonic loops. In case you're not familiar, the syntax for enumerate looks like this:

example_list = ["A", "B", "C"]

for counter, letter in enumerate(example_list):
	print(counter, letter)

# 0 A
# 1 B
# 2 C

enumerate takes an iterable collection as an argument and returns an enumerate object containing a tuple for each item in the collection. Each tuple contains a counter value, which increments with each iteration, along with a value from the provided collection.

As you can see in the example above, we provide two variable names when creating our for loop: counter and letter. This is actually a very common example of destructuring. For each tuple in the enumerate object, the first value gets assigned to counter, and the second value is assigned to letter.

Once again, there isn't any magic going on here with the variable names, and the assignment is entirely based on the order of the values. If we were to switch the position of counter and letter, we'd end up with some confusing variable names.

It's possible to do this type of destructuring with as many values as we like, and this is not limited to the enumerate function. For example, we could do something like this:

people = [
	("Bob", 42, "Mechanic"),
	("James", 24, "Artist"),
	("Harry", 32, "Lecturer")

for name, age, profession in people:
	print(f"Name: {name}, Age: {age}, Profession: {profession}")

Here we break apart each tuple in the people list, assigning the values to name, age, and profession respectively.

This is a lot better than something like the code below, where we rely on indices instead of good descriptive names:

for person in people:
	print(f"Name: {person[0]}, Age: {person[1]}, Profession: {person[2]}")

Raymond Hettinger — one of the core Python developers — said something in one of his talks that really stuck with me. He said that in Python, you should basically never be referring to items by their index: there is nearly always a better way.

Destructuring is a good example of one of those better ways.

Ignoring Values

So, what do we do if we have a collection of values and we don't want to assign all of them? We can use an _ in place of a variable name.

For example, if we take one of the tuples from the the people list above, and we only care about the name and profession, we can do the following:

person = ("Bob", 42, "Mechanic")
name, _, profession = person

print(name, profession)  # Bob Mechanic

This would also work just as well inside a loop, and can also be used when we don't care about any of the values. An example might be when using range to ensure a set number of iterations.

for _ in range(10):
	<do something>

Using * to Collect Values

In some situations, we might want to isolate one or two values in a collection, and then keep the other items together. We featured an example of a situation like this our post on list rotation.

In Python, we can use the * operator to collect leftover values when performing a destructuring assignment. For example, we might have a list of numbers, and we want to grab the first number, and then assign the remaining numbers to a second variable:

head, *tail = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print(head)  # 1
print(tail)  # [2, 3, 4, 5]

Here, the first value (1) is assigned to head, while the rest of the numbers end up in a new list called tail.

We can also do this the other way around, creating a new list with everything but the last value, and assigning the last value to its own variable.

*head, tail = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print(head)  # [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(tail)  # 5

This is interesting, but unless we need to preserve the original list, we already have the pop method for stuff like this. However, we can do something else with this syntax. We can can assign any number of variables, and then gather up the remainder. We might grab the first and last items, and then gather up the middle, for example:

head, *middle, tail = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print(head)    # 1
print(middle)  # [2, 3, 4]
print(tail)    # 5

Alternatively, we might want to grab the first three items and then bundle up the rest:

first, second, third, *rest = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

There are tonnes of possibilities.

Wrapping Up

I hope you learnt something new from this short post on destructuring in Python!

This isn't actually the end of the story, as there are also ways to pack and unpack collections using * and **, so feel free to read this article to learn more.

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