We would love to help you learn Python! From the absolute basics, to web development and REST APIs, and even software testing.
New to Python?
We have two great options for you: a free Python e-book and a paid video-course.

Our Python e-book guides you through the fundamentals of Python, from variables and data types to if statements, loops, and functions. It's a great resources to get started, especially if you've never done any programming before.
In addition to the Python e-book, we've got the Remote Python Bootcamp. This was a 6-hour long Python course which we live streamed for free. You can access the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chy-32X2tqk

Our Complete Python Course is 30+ hours long and covers all the foundational topics, and much, much more.
If you want to learn Python and programming like an expert, this is the best resource we've got. It covers topics such as object-oriented programming, web scraping, web development, browser automation, and more.
It is concise and straightforward, and helps you build multiple projects. We'd love to have you!
This blog
We write and publish blog posts twice a week—on Mondays and Thursdays.
Every Monday we publish a Python Snippet post, something useful and interesting about Python. These are great to keep in touch with Python and keep learning new things!
Every Thursday we publish a longer post on a specific topic, such as web development or coding interview problems. These go into more depth and are great to code along and acquire new skills!
If you're keen, follow us on Twitter and sign up to our e-mail list. There's a form at the bottom of the page if you're interested.
On top of all this, we have a large community of Python developers and students on Discord. We'd love it if you joined us, to chat with other students, get help, and collaborate in your learning: https://discord.gg/78Nvd3p
Dive in with us, and join us for your Python journey!